1. Powerful Ingredients for blended learning
1.1. Wes Notes
1.2. Resources
1.2.1. Dangerous Relevancy
1.2.2. online-stopwatch.com
1.2.3. Webspiration (Including Workshop outline)
1.2.4. delicious.com
1.2.5. Use frienedly images.
1.2.6. Image repository/search: compfight.com
1.2.7. Book: Presentation Zen
1.3. Workshop agenda
1.4. Ideas
1.4.1. Textbooks Dead
1.4.2. long live collaboration
1.4.3. Hyperlink Writing is Powerful
1.4.4. Platform for Sharing
1.4.5. Folksonomy?
1.4.6. Open web vs. Closed web
1.4.7. Share a story in 5 pictures No Text No Audio
1.4.8. Voicethread easy moodle embedding
1.5. Key Quotes
2. Doing more that just keeping time with mobile devices.
2.1. Resources
2.1.1. polleverywhere.com
2.1.2. Winksite
2.1.3. qik
2.1.4. textmarks.com
2.1.5. Ustream Mobile
2.2. Ideas
2.2.1. Survey Students for wireless and text use
2.2.2. class reminders
2.2.3. community building
2.3. Stats
2.3.1. 255.4 mill wireless subscrib
2.3.2. 84% total Poup
2.3.3. 35% use texts
2.3.4. 95.4 billion text sent by US subscribers in 2008
2.4. Terms
2.4.1. mLearning Anytime Anywhere
3. KeyNote
3.1. Curtis Bonk
3.2. Resources
3.2.1. Open Content Alliance
3.2.2. Chris Anderson Book FREE
3.2.3. Tom Reeves
3.2.4. Science Courses in Berkley
3.2.5. Fora.tv
3.2.6. The Future of the Internet and how to stop it
3.2.7. Scribd: Documents on the Web
3.3. Ideas
3.3.1. Central Florida university
3.3.2. Cape Town Open Education Declaration
3.3.3. Pulse Pen
3.4. Outline
3.4.1. Open Learning and Blended Learning
3.4.2. Availability of Open Source and Free
3.4.3. Leverage Free Sources and Open CourseWare MIT Utah State Tufts, John Hopkins
3.4.4. Online Articles Open Access Journals
3.4.5. Learner Participation in Open Information Communities Wikipedia Wikibooks
3.4.6. Electronic Collaboration
3.4.7. Mobility
3.4.8. Social networking New node
3.4.9. Predictions Super Mentors 5 million havenots have it all Tera byte learning center Personlization Portfolios New node
3.5. Notes
3.5.1. World is open
4. okiefunk.com
5. Quality is as Quality does
5.1. Rubrics
5.1.1. on CPDE site
5.1.2. will be on Conference Web Site also
5.2. Payment is made for development $3600 for a 3 hour course
5.3. Softchalk
6. Mobile Learning
6.1. 97% of students say mobile computing is a benefit
6.2. Ban Theory
6.3. North Institute
7. Power of Connection: Relationships in Virtual Teams
7.1. Characteristics
7.2. Keys
7.2.1. Good beginnings are important
7.2.2. Set ground rules for interaction
7.2.3. There has to be norms for processes
7.3. Tools
7.4. Ideas
7.4.1. unplanned interactions = 70% of all interactions
7.4.2. Vitual teams work harder
7.4.3. New node