Is the lighted candle a heat source?

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Is the lighted candle a heat source? by Mind Map: Is the lighted candle a heat source?

1. Claim : The lighted candle is a heat source

1.1. Evidence - My palms felt hot when i placed them near the flame

1.1.1. Reason - Heat travels from a hotter region to the colder region.

2. Claim - No. The lighted candle is not a heat source.

2.1. Evidence: The candle gives out light, not heat. When I placed it in a dark room, it lit up the surrounding.

2.1.1. Reason: ???

2.1.2. Have you tried placing your hands near to the flame? What can you feel?

3. Claim - Yes. The lighted candle is a heat source.

3.1. Evidence - When I place my hand near the flame, I could feel the heat of the flame

3.1.1. Reason Heat source is an object which produces heat. Since the lighted candle is giving out heat, it is a heat source.

3.2. Evidence - The temperature of the lighted candle is higher than the temperature of the surrounding and my hand.

3.2.1. Reason - Heat is given out as heat travels from a hotter place to a cooler place. The surrounding is cooler than the heat source as the heat source is producing heat. As such, the lighted candle is a heat source.

3.2.2. How do you know that the lighted candle has a higher temperature than the surrounding? What did you use to measure? (assuming I'm the teacher now) I felt it with my hands! I could feel the heat when I place my palm near to the flame. If it feels hot, it means that it has a higher temperature than my hand.

4. Claim : Yes. The lighted candle is a heat source