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Visual Web Tools создатель Mind Map: Visual  Web  Tools

1. Video

1.1. Video

1.1.1. YouTube

1.1.2. Kyte.com

1.1.3. Private video sharing

1.1.4. Qik

1.1.5. Seesmic

1.1.6. Stickam

1.1.7. Educational Video MonkeySee TeacherTube SchoolTube MathTV

1.1.8. Videoeditor Online

1.1.9. Animoto

1.1.10. Tutorial: Making video online

1.1.11. Screenjelly: easy screencasting

1.1.12. More screencasts

1.2. Articles

1.2.1. 5 Ways to Make Video a Social Experience

1.2.2. The Secrets of YouTube Marketing Revealed

1.3. VideoLibraries

1.3.1. C-Span

1.3.2. WildEarth

1.3.3. LiveVideoCams

1.3.4. AfriCam

1.3.5. ClipSyndicate

1.3.6. Explore

2. Examples

2.1. MathLive

2.2. Wolfram Mathematica

2.3. Wondervill

2.3.1. Hhh

2.3.2. Jjj

2.4. SignStories

2.5. RF Intent Index

2.6. FunnyFarm

2.7. WhatToLearn

3. Infoservices

3.1. Google Knol

3.2. Pivot

3.3. PopSci

3.4. Visual Wiki

3.5. WikiMindMap

4. Misc

4.1. If you need to print large posters

4.2. Listings

4.3. Forms for Teachers

4.4. Natural Sciences Animations

4.5. Free scientific library

4.6. Social Networks

4.6.1. Library 2.0

4.6.2. Classroom 2.0

4.7. Lists of tools

4.7.1. Web2.0 Resources

4.8. SpicyNodes

5. E-Learning Systems

5.1. Moodle

5.2. Udemy

5.3. Instructure

5.4. Knotebooks - lessons compiler

6. Polls/Surveys

6.1. Doodle

6.2. PollDaddy

6.3. UserVoice

6.4. Zoho Polls

6.5. Surveymonkey

6.6. Discussions

6.6.1. BookDiscussions

6.6.2. Conversations.net

6.6.3. LearnCentral

7. Geoservices

7.1. Google Maps

7.1.1. How to Embed Google Maps to your blog

7.2. StrataLogica

7.3. 360 Views

7.3.1. Arounder

8. Infographics

8.1. MindMaps

8.1.1. Mindmeister

8.1.2. WiseMapping

8.1.3. Slatebox

8.1.4. Bubbl.us

8.1.5. Mindomo

8.1.6. Mind42

8.1.7. Brainstorming Tool

8.2. Diagrams

8.2.1. Creation of diagrams

8.2.2. Webspiration

8.2.3. Slickplan

8.3. Infographer

8.4. Custom Infographics

8.5. Exploreatree

8.6. Presentations

8.6.1. SlideShare

8.6.2. Prezi

8.6.3. Scribd

8.6.4. SlideSix

8.7. Documents

8.7.1. Crocodoc

8.7.2. Docstoc

8.7.3. Files Converter

8.7.4. Thinklinkr

8.7.5. Collaborative Docs and PM

8.8. Collaborative Drawing

8.8.1. FlockDraw

8.8.2. Cacoo

8.8.3. Board800

8.8.4. CoSketch

8.8.5. Whiteboard from GE

8.9. Articles

8.9.1. Learning from Visual Data

8.9.2. Google for Teachers

8.9.3. Examples of Web 2.0 projects

8.10. Word Clouds

8.10.1. Tagul

8.10.2. Google Word Cloud gadget

8.11. 3D E-Books creation online

8.12. Online Multimedia Sticky Notes

8.13. 10 Free Mocap Applications (GUI design)

9. Music & Sounds

9.1. Jamendo

9.2. RoyaltyFreeMusic

9.3. Skype Calls Recording

10. Pictures

10.1. Murge photo and voice + sharing

10.2. Creating comics

10.3. Digital Books Creation

10.3.1. Mixbook

10.3.2. BookRix

10.3.3. Panraven

10.3.4. Book Builder

10.3.5. MyPublisher

10.3.6. Tabblo

10.3.7. SmileBooks

10.3.8. Blurb

10.3.9. Lulu

10.4. Royalty Free Graphics

10.5. School Free Graphics