Tropical Rainforest: How can we save the rainforest?

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Tropical Rainforest: How can we save the rainforest? by Mind Map: Tropical Rainforest: How can we save the rainforest?

1. Reduce paper and wood consumption

1.1. Use own bags at grocery store

1.2. Use cloth napkins and towels

1.3. Avoid disposable plates and cups

1.4. 3'R's

1.4.1. Reduce E.g. Set printers' defaults to double-sided when printing

1.4.2. Reuse

1.4.3. Recycle Recycle paper products

1.5. Utilise wood efficient building techniques and avoid old growth wood products when building houses

2. Reduce oil consumption

2.1. Choose one that gets good gas mileage and avoid gas guzzling sports utility vehicles when purchasing a car

2.2. Travel on public transports

3. Reduce beef consumption

3.1. Will reduce demand for beef

3.1.1. Cuts back on pressure to clear more forests for cattle

4. Inform companies/businesses about the situation

5. Invest/support rainforest communities

5.1. E.g. RAN's Protect-an-Acre Program

6. Join/support campaigns

6.1. Getting involved with a local forest preservation group

6.2. E.g Rainforest Action Network