Online Writing Styles

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Online Writing Styles by Mind Map: Online Writing Styles

1. Academic

1.1. long intro

1.2. structured

1.3. uses elite language

1.4. verbose

1.5. reference-rich

1.6. in-depth

2. Advertising

2.1. self-promoting

2.2. in-focus

2.3. boasting

2.4. hyping

2.5. presumptuous

2.6. tries to persuade

2.7. tries to convince

2.8. gives you prizes if you do something

2.8.1. New node

3. Blogger

3.1. rushy

3.2. gossipy

3.3. shallow

3.4. unclear

3.5. scattered

3.6. impulsive

3.7. unstructured

3.8. unformatted

3.9. unchecked

3.10. incomplete

4. Sharewood

5. Informal

5.1. direct language

5.2. me - you

5.3. uses easy, simple words

5.4. understandable by anyone

5.5. friendly

5.6. to the point

5.7. emotional

5.8. story-like

6. Professional

6.1. detached

6.2. structured

6.3. formatted

6.4. error-free

7. Technical

7.1. nerdy

7.2. uses tech language

7.3. uses lots of acronyms and buzz words

7.4. is written for those "in the know"

7.5. assumes reader knows

7.6. formatted

8. Writing for online

8.1. authentic

8.2. kill the pr

8.3. direct

8.4. scanability

8.5. grabbing attention fast

8.6. use of graphics and images

9. Twitter

9.1. concise