Just War Theory

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Just War Theory by Mind Map: Just War Theory

1. The First Crusade

1.1. Right Intention (ad bello) - The Christians were not attacked, but were the first to attack the Jews, trying to achieve their goals.

1.2. Proportionality (ad bello) - Little was gained from the First Crusade, and the Christians caused massive amounts of destruction and death.

1.3. Last Resort (ad bello) - It was the first resort, and nonviolent options were not considered.

1.4. Proportionality (in bello) - The Christians were massacring the Jews, and continued the battle until they achieved their goals.

1.5. Right Intention (in bello) - The Crusaders weren't looking to acquire peace, but focused on getting the holy land.

1.6. Noncombatant Immunity (in bello) - Crusaders killed numerous civillians when they would pillage the cities, and indirectly affected others as they saw their family members die.

2. The Battle of Agincourt

2.1. Just Cause (ad bello) - It was for for Henry V to acquire more power, so it wasn't for the greater goods.

2.2. Last Resort (ad bello) - Despite the negotiations, all the nonviolent options were not considered because it never went beyond negotiating.

2.3. Proportionality (in bello) - It resulted in a massacre before it ended.

2.4. The goal of this Crusade was not aiming for peace, but for Henry V.

3. The Counter Reformation

3.1. Just Cause (ad bello) - It was for the Catholic Church could protect itself from the Protestance Reformation, so it wasn't for the greater goods of the people.

3.2. Last Resort (ad bello) - The Catholic Church was so focused on maintaining its power that it didn't try to come up with a better solution.

3.3. Legitimate Authority (ad bello) - The Church and its people were in a disagreement, and many wanted a rebellion against the corrupted Catholic Church.

3.4. Right Intention (in bello) - It was not aiming for peace, but it was for power and support of the people.