Historic Documents - Dawson Zaleski

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Historic Documents - Dawson Zaleski by Mind Map: Historic Documents - Dawson Zaleski

1. Declaration of Independence

1.1. 1.)What is the purpose of this document?

1.1.1. Wrote to explain to foreign nations why the USA was separating from Great Britain

1.2. 2.)Who was responsible for writing it?

1.2.1. Written by Thomas Jefferson mostly and ideas from Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams

1.3. 3.)What time frame was/is the document significant?

1.3.1. Still significant today in society

1.4. 4.)How is the document structured?

1.4.1. The Declaration is set up in 5 sections the first is the introduction or preamble and the 2 3 4 and 5th are explaining why they are separating from Great Britain

1.5. 5.)What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

1.5.1. 1.Wasn’t signed till August 2 1776 2.Was approved on July 4 1776 3.Was proposed on July 2 1776 4.86 changes were made to Jeffersons original Declaration including the length was cut by one fourth 5.Gave all people their basic rights

2. Constitution

2.1. 1.)What is the purpose of this document?

2.1.1. Establishes basic rights of american citizens even more than the independence and to establish the 3 branches of government.

2.2. 2.)Who was responsible for writing it?

2.2.1. Jacob Shallus

2.3. 3.)What time frame was/is the document significant?

2.3.1. Still significant today

2.4. 4.)How is the document structured?

2.4.1. Into 3 articles on for each branch of government

2.5. 5.)What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

2.5.1. 1. Was the framework for the federal government 2. established the executive, judaical and legislative branches. 3. establishes these freedoms Freedom of religion Freedom of speech Freedom to media access Freedom of assembly Freedom of petition 4. establishes these rights Right to possess firearms Right to question arrests and property seizures without a warrant Right to a public trial for criminal offenses Right to question excessive bail or unusual punishment 5.the remake of the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.

3. Articles of Confederation

3.1. 1.)What is the purpose of this document?

3.1.1. To make a short constitution first so states wouldn't rebel and to uniform the states after the war.

3.2. 2.)Who was responsible for writing it?

3.2.1. John Dickson

3.3. 3.)What time frame was/is the document significant?

3.3.1. 1777-1786

3.4. 4.)How is the document structured?

3.4.1. into 3 articles one for each branch

3.5. 5.)What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

3.5.1. 1. Made government unable to make levy taxes 2. caused a rebellion because they could not levy taxes 3. states retained their freedom, sovereignty, and independence 4. barley agreed on by the states 5. Congress was given the authority to make treaties, alliances, maintain armed forces and coin money

4. Northwest Ordinace

4.1. 1.)What is the purpose of this document?

4.1.1. To establish the northwest and to add them to the United States.

4.2. 2.)Who was responsible for writing it?

4.2.1. The constitutional congress

4.3. 3.)What time frame was/is the document significant?

4.3.1. From July 13 1787-1789

4.4. 4.)How is the document structured?

4.4.1. Explaining each needs for being a state at a time is how it is structed

4.5. 5.)What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

4.5.1. 1.granted Ohio statehood 2.granted Indiana statehood 3.granted Illinois statehood" 4.granted Wisconsin statehood 5. granted part of minnesota and Michigan statehood

5. Federalist Papers

5.1. 1.)What is the purpose of this document?

5.1.1. 85 essays saying to the people of new york to ratify the constitution.

5.2. 2.)Who was responsible for writing it?

5.2.1. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay

5.3. 3.)What time frame was/is the document significant?

5.3.1. 1788

5.4. 4.)How is the document structured?

5.4.1. into 85 essays that were then transferd to newspapers

5.5. 5.)What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

5.5.1. 1.Helped ratify the constitution 2. anonymous until 1818 3. author of the of the newspaper didn't even know the source till 1818 4. 2 volumes 5. offical title was the federalist

6. Anti-Federalist Papers

6.1. 1.)What is the purpose of this document?

6.1.1. To demote or to help the constitution not ratified

6.2. 2.)Who was responsible for writing it?

6.2.1. Many anti federalist

6.3. 3.)What time frame was/is the document significant?

6.3.1. 1788

6.4. 4.)How is the document structured?

6.4.1. Into many different sections of different writers

6.5. 5.)What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

6.5.1. 1.told people the constitution had weakness

6.5.2. 2. Told people it was a source of tyranny

6.5.3. 3. Weaknesses talked about we're later corrected

6.5.4. 4. Mostly southern agreed with there beliefs

6.5.5. 5. Writers used fictional names

7. Bill of Rights

7.1. 1.)What is the purpose of this document?

7.1.1. To give people amendments so the constitution would be ratified by the Anti-Federalists.

7.2. 2.)Who was responsible for writing it?

7.2.1. James Madison

7.3. 3.)What time frame was/is the document significant?

7.3.1. Still signifigant

7.4. 4.)How is the document structured?

7.4.1. Into all the amendments of the people.

7.5. 5.)What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

7.5.1. 1. there are 27 amendments 2. the first 10 are in the constitution 3.gives you freedom of speech 4. gives you the right to bear arms 5. influenced by the english bill of rights