Communicative language teaching
by Hana Abdul-Ghani
1. Problem statement: What is the role of the speaking skill, in communicative language teaching and learning, and how can we as teachers use this knowledge to support language acquisition in the communicative classroom? Why work with communicative competence?
2. Theories
2.1. Communicative Classroom -
2.2. Vygoski
2.2.1. Scaffolding - Gibbons
2.2.2. ZPD
2.2.3. Cooperative Learning - Kagan
2.3. 4 skills
2.3.1. What is a good "speaker"?
2.3.2. The other 3 skills - writing, listening and reading
3. Bibliography
3.1. Fælles Mål 2009 - Engelsk Faghæft 2
3.2. Gibbons, Pauline (2002): Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning: Teaching Second Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom, Heinemann.
3.3. Hedge, T (2000): Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom, Oxford Handbooks
3.4. Kagan, Spencer and Stenlev, Jette (2010): Cooperative Learning: Undervisning med samarbejdsskrukturer, Alinea.
4. Activity
4.1. Halloween
4.2. 2nd keystage
4.3. Duration
4.3.1. 2 lessons
4.4. Goals
4.4.1. The pupils will acquire genre-relevant terms (genre-pdagogy)
4.4.2. To communicate through speech
4.5. Materials
4.5.1. Work sheets
4.5.2. Blackboard/smartboard
4.6. Skills trained
4.6.1. Communicative skills
4.6.2. Writing skills
4.6.3. Listening skills