Scientific Revolution

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Scientific Revolution by Mind Map: Scientific Revolution

1. Medicine and the Human body

1.1. william harvey suppor many ideas of galen, he did research about the heart and the blood he also learn about the function of blood vessels

1.2. edward jenner introduce a vaccine for the smallpox by inoculation humans with germs of the cowpox disease

2. roots of modern science

2.1. many people decided what was true was everything that was true and false about the world referring to the bible

2.2. with the begining of scientific revolution nwe opinions and ideas about the world began to develop this new ideas allowed for astronomy, physics, and mathematics to be taugh in schools

3. discoveries in chemistry

3.1. robert boyle is the founder of moder chemistry thanks to his law of volume, temperature, and pressure of gas affect each other

3.2. joshep priestley separated one pure gas that was later called oxygen

4. The scientific method

4.1. several scientis began to go out and observe the world for themselves and take it from it their own ideas and conclusions. this method refers to as the experimental method and was higly urged by Bacon

5. Newton Explain the law of gravity

5.1. Newton's law of universal gravitation states that any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them