It's just a game

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It's just a game by Mind Map: It's just a game

1. Game Ideas

1.1. Civilisations: Classical History (12+)

1.1.1. Con: Hard to make

1.1.2. Pro: Has Educational Value

1.1.3. Explanation: A player controls a empire in classical history and tries to win, by eliminating a specific empire or controlling 50 provinces including key provinces, using war and diplomacy

1.2. Trivia Games (8+)

1.2.1. Explanation: A player has 60 secs to answer a question relating to the topic they chose

1.2.2. Pro: Easy to make

1.2.3. Con: Repetitive

1.2.4. Subjects: History, Science, Scifi

2. Pros and Cons