Define the Problem: Your friend gets illegally a game for free on your computer. Tell or shell?

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Define the Problem: Your friend gets illegally a game for free on your computer. Tell or shell? by Mind Map: Define the Problem: Your friend gets illegally a game for free on your computer. Tell or shell?

1. Explore the Alternatives Tell the teacher or be loyal to friends?

1.1. Consider the Consequences If you tell, you wil be uncool but stay out of trouble and bad influences. If you are loyal to friends, you could get in trouble, but stay cool, but your future might be very negative

1.1.1. Identify Your Values I want to be honest, influenced by good, and have a good future Decide and Act You dont want to support illegal activities,so you tell the teacher. Evaluate the Results You may lose some friends but will gain new and true ones, ones that wont hurt you or your future. Good choice.