Define the Problem I lent my laptop to a good friend for him to look something up. I get my lapto...

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Define the Problem I lent my laptop to a good friend for him to look something up. I get my laptop back and see my history filled with pornography websites he somehow accessed. by Mind Map: Define the Problem I lent my laptop to a good friend for him to look something up. I get my laptop back and see my history filled with  pornography websites he somehow accessed.

1. Explore the Alternatives Clear my history and pretend nothing happened. Leave it the way it is. Report to a teacher about my friend's actions. Approach my friend and ask him about the incident.

1.1. Consider the Consequences Clear my history - It wouldn't harm anyone, my friend, me or the teachers, but I would still feel conflicted because I knew my friend did something wrong. Leave it - A teacher might find out and accuse me, and I would be forced to lie and protect my friend or tell the truth and risk losing my friend. But if nobody finds out, it will be the same outcome as if I cleared my history. Report it - I run a high risk of losing my friend, and being called a tattletale, but I know I will have done the right thing. Approach my friend - He might get mad at me, for a few reasons, he might lie and say he didn't do it, or he might be honest and tell me the reason. I would run a risk of losing my friend, but I also have a chance of justifying his actions or finding out the reason he did it.

1.1.1. Identify Your Values Honesty, Loyalty to Friends, Regretting and Feeling Guilty about Bad Choices Decide and Act Talk to him first. I will decide whether to report him or not, depending on how serious it is. If it isn't something majorly serious, I won't report it. Evaluate the Results I talk to my friend and find out it was actually a dare. One of his friends came up while we were talking and admitted it was a dare, and his dare at that. So, I decided to let it go and clear my history, since it's not majorly serious and it was just another one of those stupid-guy-things-to-do. I wouldn't have done it another way, since one of my main values was loyalty to my friends, and I would want to find out the truth before taking matters to a teacher.