Define the Problem The teacher leaves the room and someone begins bullying you.

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Define the Problem The teacher leaves the room and someone begins bullying you. by Mind Map: Define the Problem The teacher leaves the room and someone begins bullying you.

1. Explore the Alternatives 1. Ignore the bully. 2. Stand up to the bully. 3. Tell a teacher

1.1. Consider the Consequences 1. If I ignore the bully, it might make him think I am okay with it. Therefore, he would bully me more. Or he could get bored and stop. 2. If I stand up to the bully, it could backfire and he could bully me more. Or, if people back me up, he could actually stop. 3. If I tell a teacher, he/she will probably handle it responsibly. However, I could be called a tattle-tale/snitch.

1.1.1. Identify Your Values My values is if it is out of my control, I let it be, but if I can change it then I will. Other people could also be bullied by this person and not have the courage to stand up. Therefore, ignoring the bully would probably not be the best choice. Decide and Act I would wait until the teacher has returned to the room and it is the end of the day. Then I would honestly tell the teacher what happened and let the adults handle it. Evaluate the Results The teacher probably handled the problem properly. I could have also helped another kid who was having the same problem with the bully. If I did stand up to the bully or ignore the bully, it could have gotten worse, and even worse, turn into a physical fight. Then my family would be involved.