The Reign of Terror Justified

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The Reign of Terror Justified by Mind Map: The Reign of Terror Justified

1. In the beginning of his career Robespierre was sane and made decisions to better France.

2. Robespierre became leader of the Jacobins in 1789

2.1. Support for him came from all around when he became leader

3. He aided in writing the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, the foundation of the french constitution.

4. Rules and laws were made to deter the public from not being loyal to France.

5. Marie Antoinette was the first victim of the revolution

6. Became leader of the Committee of Public Safety

7. Robespierre was elected to head the Paris delegation of the new National Convention in 1792.

8. Robespierre argued for the execution of King Louis the XVI, which is believed to be the starting point of his love for blood and power.

8.1. The counter to the main argument

9. Robespierre believed that public executions were considered educational.

10. Intoxicated with the power over life and death, Robespierre called for more purges and executions. Which lead to questions within the Committee.