Define the Problem You walk into a store to buy a bag of chips but you realize you don't have an...

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Define the Problem You walk into a store to buy a bag of chips but you realize you don't have any money. You're too lazy to go back to your house. Do you steal the bag of chips or not? by Mind Map: Define the Problem  You walk into a store to buy a bag of chips but you realize you don't have any money. You're too lazy to go back to your house. Do you steal the bag of chips or not?

1. Explore the Alternatives Go to your house and grab money to go back to the store, ask for a loan, and pay back next time. Or, call a friend/ family to bring money to the store for you

1.1. Consider the Consequences The consequences for the first alternative is that there wouldn't be any punishment later on, but, you will have to take the way back to your house, in which we might want to do. For the second alternative, it is quite similar to the first one but, there is a high risk that you might be tempted to borrow money and never return it. For the third and final alternative, the positive thing is that you don't have to waste your energy and you also don't have to steal anything. But, by calling your friend or family member is causing fuss for that person, which is not very nice.

1.1.1. Identify Your Values Of course, for every person, being moral and right is a very important thing. Not just for my family, culture, etc. but for everything, we should try our best to be honest, moral and right. So, if I were in that situation, I would place my moral values at the front. Decide and Act All the alternatives are quite similar, for it doesn't involve you doing anything bad or immoral. But, some of the alternatives take more energy than others, such as calling a friend/family to bring money to the store for you, causes a fuss for the friend/family member. I think the best way is just to go back to your house and go grab some money, because first, the store would be quite close to your house, second, because all the other alternatives causes a little bit of harm to the other person. This would barely take any more time. Evaluate the Results The decision worked out because it did not cause anyone harm, nor did I make immoral choices by stealing the chips. This affected your life because it didn't make me have to steal anything, and at the same time, it taught me a lesson in responsibility in materials I have to bring in order to do something. It could have affected others, but, it did not because I got my own money by self without having to disturb anyone. I learned that we should always think morally and also, we should be responsible and bring the materials we need for whatever we are doing. If I did it again, then, I would have been responsible brought the money ahead without having for me to go back.