excel 2010 shortcuts

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excel 2010 shortcuts by Mind Map: excel 2010 shortcuts

1. navigation

1.1. Tab

1.1.1. move one cell to the right向右移动一格

1.2. Shift+Tab

1.2.1. move one cell to the left向左移动一格

1.3. Ctrl+↑↓←→

1.3.1. move to the margin移到数据边界

1.4. Home

1.4.1. move to the head of a row移到行开头

1.5. Ctrl+Home

1.5.1. move to the head of a sheet移到表单开头

1.6. Ctrl+End

1.6.1. move to the end of a sheet移到表单最后

1.7. Ctrl+F/Ctrl+H

1.7.1. display find and replace dialogue查找替换

1.8. Ctrl+G/F5

1.8.1. display location定位对话框

2. selection

2.1. Shift+space

2.1.1. select entire row选中整行

2.2. Ctrl+space

2.2.1. select entire column选中整列

2.3. Ctrl+Shift+*(asterisk)

2.3.1. select current active region选中所有含数据格

2.4. Ctrl+A

2.4.1. once: select all active cells选中所有激活的格

2.4.2. twice: select whole sheet选中整个表单

2.5. Shift+arrow

2.5.1. extend select in direction按方向眼神选中

2.6. Ctrl+Shift+arrow

2.6.1. extend selection to the margin按方向选中至数据边界

2.7. Ctrl+Shift+Home

2.7.1. extend selection to the beginning of the sheet延伸选中至表开头

2.8. Ctri+Shift+End

2.8.1. extend selection to the end延伸选中至表单最后

3. excel features

3.1. Ctrl+O

3.1.1. open files打开

3.2. Ctrl+P

3.2.1. print打印

3.3. Ctrl+S

3.3.1. save保存

3.4. F12

3.4.1. open save as dialogue打开另存为对话框

3.5. Ctrl+N

3.5.1. open new blank book新建工作薄

3.6. F7

3.6.1. open spelling dialogue拼写检查

4. edit data

4.1. Ctrl+Z

4.1.1. undo撤销

4.2. Ctrl+Y

4.2.1. redo取消撤销

4.3. Ctrl+C

4.3.1. copy复制

4.4. Ctrl+V

4.4.1. paste粘贴

4.5. Ctrl+X

4.5.1. cut剪切

4.6. F2

4.6.1. edit active cell编辑当前单元格

4.7. Alt+Enter

4.7.1. start a new line in the same cell同一单元格换行

4.8. Backspace

4.8.1. delete the left character向左删除

4.9. Delete

4.9.1. delete the right character向右删除

4.10. Ctrl+;

4.10.1. insert current date输入今天日期

4.11. Ctrl+Shift+:

4.11.1. insert current time输入现在时间

4.12. Ctrl+D

4.12.1. copy above cell复制上一格

4.13. Ctrl+R

4.13.1. copy left cell复制左边一个

4.14. Ctrl+ -

4.14.1. delete selected row/column

4.15. Ctrl+Shift+ +

4.15.1. insert row/column

4.16. Shift+F2

4.16.1. insert a comment

4.17. Shift+F10

4.17.1. delete a comment

5. Hide & Show

5.1. Ctrl+9

5.1.1. Hide the selected rows隐藏选中行

5.2. Ctrl+Shift+9

5.2.1. spread hidden rows显示选中区域的隐藏行

6. navigation

6.1. Alt+Pg Down

6.1.1. move screen to the right in one sheet在同一个表单将选中格移到最右

6.2. Alt+Pg Up

6.2.1. move screen to the left in one sheet在同一个表单将选中格移到最左

6.3. Ctrl+←↑→↓

6.3.1. move to next data region移到该方向数据边界

6.4. Home

6.4.1. move to beginning of a row移到最左

6.5. seldom used

6.5.1. Shift+Tap move one cell to the left向左移动一格