Language or Communication?

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Language or Communication? by Mind Map: Language or Communication?

1. Design features

1.1. Channel

1.1.1. Vocal-auditory

1.1.2. Interchangeability

1.1.3. Complete feedback

1.2. Semantic features

1.2.1. Semanticity

1.2.2. Arbitrariness

1.2.3. Discreteness

1.2.4. Displacement

1.3. Learning

1.3.1. Cultural transmission

1.3.2. Learnability

1.4. Structure

1.4.1. Creativity

1.4.2. Duality of patterning

1.4.3. Structure dependence

1.5. Use

1.5.1. Control

1.5.2. Specialization

1.5.3. Spontaneous usage

1.5.4. Turn taking

1.5.5. Prevarication

1.5.6. Reflectiveness

2. Extralinguistic influences

2.1. Social custom

2.1.1. Politeness Topic Hierarchy Directness

2.2. World knowledge

2.2.1. Probability

2.2.2. Relationships

2.2.3. Danger

2.3. Human limitations

2.3.1. Sensory

2.3.2. Physical

2.3.3. Cognitive

3. Components of spoken language

3.1. Semantics

3.2. Syntax

3.3. Morphology

3.4. Phonology

3.5. Phonetics

4. Animals

4.1. Birds

4.1.1. Songbirds

4.1.2. Parrots

4.2. Invertebrates

4.2.1. Bees

4.2.2. Fireflies

4.2.3. Silkworms

4.3. Dogs, et al.

4.4. Primates

4.4.1. Monkeys

4.4.2. Apes Chimpanzees Gorillas Bonobos

4.5. Dolphins/Whales