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Organelles by Mind Map: Organelles

1. Make Energy

1.1. Mitochondria

1.1.1. Makes ATP

1.1.2. Double membranes

1.2. Chloroplast

1.2.1. Produces Sugar and Oxygen

2. Make or Modify Macromolecules

2.1. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

2.1.1. Modifies Lipids and Carbohydrates

2.1.2. Store Enzymes

2.2. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

2.2.1. Modifies Proteins

2.2.2. Contains Ribosomes

2.3. Golgi Complex

2.3.1. Modifies Macromolecules

2.3.2. Transports Macromolecules

2.3.3. Vesicles form around edge

2.3.4. Produces lysosomes

2.4. Ribosome

2.4.1. Protein Production

3. Nucleus

3.1. Nucleolus

3.1.1. Stores RNA

3.2. Nuclear Membrane

3.3. Stores DNA

4. Store Products

4.1. Vacuoles

4.1.1. Stores Water and Carbs

4.1.2. Helps Cell Grow

4.1.3. Provides Structural Support

4.1.4. Animal & Plant

4.2. Lysosomes

4.2.1. Brakes Down Substances

5. Give Shape and Structure

5.1. Cell wall

5.1.1. Gives Cell Shape

5.1.2. Prevents Breakage

5.2. Cytoskeleton

5.2.1. Gives Cell Shape

5.2.2. Moves with organelles

5.3. Membrane

5.3.1. Plasma(cell) Membrane Retains cell contents

5.3.2. Nuclear Membrane Ribosomes on outer surface, similar to RER double membrane