Your brother ask you to try marijuana while your parents are out of your house.

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Your brother ask you to try marijuana while your parents are out of your house. by Mind Map: Your brother ask you to try marijuana while your parents are out of your house.

1. Explore the Alternatives You could say no to his face, you could also try it. Another thing you can do is you could call your parents and tell them what your brother is doing.

1.1. Consider the Consequences If you try it you could end up being a drug addict and throw your like away. Another consequence could be that you try it and you like it but you never do it again so no harm is done. Once you take drugs, it stays in your system for 3 months so if you get a random drug test you could fail and get kicked out of school. Someone could see you taking drugs and you could get reported and be in very big trouble. If you don't take them your brother could get mad at you but get over it. If you report your brother he could get busted and you could ruin your relationship.

1.1.1. Identify Your Values This could go against your beliefs of not taking drugs or of being clean your life. It could also go against your religion. This might also affect your life goal being successful and not have any problems. Decide and Act You could decide to take the drugs and ruin your like if you become an addict. You could also get your brother sent to jail if you tell on him and ruin his life and reputation. You could not say anything and watch as he throws his life away. You could tell your brother you wont take the drugs and have a temporary argument with him and hopefully make up with him or not. Evaluate the Results If I had chosen to not take the drugs and have a fight with my brother then the fight would have probably lasted for a couple of months but then we would've made up and I could've kept on going with my life and it could've ended up a lot better than all of the other decisions.