Define the Problem Consider the decision you are facing and state the issue clearly. Is it import...

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Define the Problem Consider the decision you are facing and state the issue clearly. Is it important enough to warrant using DECIDE? Problem: You are invited to a party with alcohol and no adults I think the correct decision/choice is the key to people's lives. Anything you do, anything positive or negative are relied upon your choices. The positive alternatives can be good but for this problem, it is risking your friendship. If you ignore this, the chances/probabilities are that your friends who invited you will bully you, enforce you to join, or even break the friendship. The negative alternative is of course drinking because of peer pressure. It is easy to get influenced or inspired by the negative such as drinking alcohol at illegal age and your health can be on the line. by Mind Map: Define the Problem Consider the decision you are facing and state the issue clearly. Is it important enough to warrant using DECIDE?  Problem: You are invited to a party with alcohol and no adults I think the correct decision/choice is the key to people's lives. Anything you do, anything positive or negative are relied upon your choices. The positive alternatives can be good but for this problem, it is risking your friendship. If you ignore this, the chances/probabilities are that your friends who invited you will bully you, enforce you to join, or even break the friendship.  The negative alternative is of course drinking because of peer pressure. It is easy to get influenced or inspired by the negative such as drinking alcohol at illegal age and your health can be on the line.

1. Explore the Alternatives Make a list of possible alternatives for solving your problem. If you need more information to fully understand the problem or any of the alternatives, do the research now. Ignoring the party and going back home Tell your parents or any adults the current situation Ruin the friendship Just enjoy the party Lie to your parents

2. Consider the Consequences One by one, think through what might happen if you were to choose each alternative on your list. Be sure to do the following: Include both positive and negative results. Consider what probably would happen, not what you hope would happen. Ask yourself … how risky is each alternative? What are its chances of success? How would it affect my future? How would it affect others? Include both positive and negative results. Consider what probably would happen, not what you hope would happen. Ask yourself … how risky is each alternative? What are its chances of success? How would it affect my future? How would it affect others? From the first alternative to the third, it is a positive alternative to ignore the party and decide not to drink. This is definitely a positive choice but on the other hand, it can be negative. The peers that have invited you might bully you, unfriend with you, or even ignore you. The fourth and fifth alternative are the negative choices. This is to lie to your parents and drink. But you could think as positive in some way because this might help you bond with more peers or be more closer to your past peers. But obviously drinking is not a good choice at illegal age.

3. Identify Your Values Personal values may affect your decisions. Make sure to do the following: Consider your long-term goals as well as the beliefs of your family and culture. Consider your own and others’ health and safety, and your self-respect. Identify those choices that are a good match for your values. Consider your long-term goals as well as the beliefs of your family and culture. Not so much of culture, but the goal of my family is to not drink or do inappropriate things until I get to college but I already have in mind that i do not want to drink alcohol when I grow up. Consider your own and others’ health and safety, and your self-respect. Although this could be won way to overcome bullying and bond with friends but I think I should tell the others about the consequences about this while at the same time care for my health and not get involved in the party. Once you drink or other drink alcohol, you are going to pass out faster than adults and even make inappropriate mistakes and not be able to remember what you did. Identify those choices that are a good match for your values. A positive reaction is to either tell the other peers to not be part of it or just ignoring the fact and get out of the party as fast as possible yourself. I think this is a good choice considering the fact/promise between my parents and my personal mind to not be influenced by them.

3.1. Decide and Act Use the information you have collected to compare the alternatives. Decide which one is best for you. Remember, sometimes there is more than one ‘right’ choice. Make a plan to act on your decision. You may need to break the plan into smaller steps. Set realistic deadlines for each step and then follow through with your plan. Comparing and understanding all the alternatives, the best choice is to move on. Meaning, not getting involved in that party at all. Although drinking alcohol could be a way to bond between friends, but I think it is unacceptable to drink at illegal age. So therefore, I think the right choice is to inform other parents or adults at the surrounding, or get out of the party ASAP, or even tell your peers (Could be someone you don't know) to stop the situation, telling them the consequences. Make a plan to act on your decision. You may need to break the plan into smaller steps. Set realistic deadlines for each step and then follow through with your plan. Quickly navigate or think what the party is like Inform parents or even adults that don't know you to help Make a wise decision to decline the offers given to you by peers Tell the peers the consequences of the bad situation Get out of the party Don't get involved to it Always think there are new friends or ways to bond with (not alcohol) Never get influenced by peer pressure on these situations

3.1.1. Evaluate the Results Sometime after you have put your decision into effect, take some time to review it. How did your decision work out? How has it affected your life? How has it affected others? What did you learn? If you could do it over again, what would you do differently? The decision that I made was the correct and wise choice because it saved me from bad health, peer pressure, illegal things and lying to my parents. I think this should be the best choice even though you could bond better after words with the peers that invited you. How has it affected your life? This kept the promise between my family and my mind and this really helped me overcome some peer pressure. Meaning I was able to think the positive and negative consequences in everything i do in my daily life or even at school. I can now know what is the best choice and the worst choice to do even though I might lose something that I really consider. How has it affected others? I think the peers would have hated on me or think I am scared of the consequences but sometimes this thing could influence another to follow the right path. Maybe someone else walked out after seeing me walk out from the bad situations. And also when I said to the peers to stop, they might have re-thought and think about the consequences. What did you learn? In this, I learnt that wise decision is the key to a happy life. Every decision you or they make, have an affect on others and you and it can influence anybody. A wise decision is helping yourself and possibly others.You should really think before you act and decide the best positive choice possible. If you could do it over again, what would you do differently? If I could do this again, I would be more into saving others more actively because then i have made a wise decision to not only walk away but walk away with others. This is helping yourself and other peers so that the bad situation or consequences are decreased.