The latest generation of iphone

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The latest generation of iphone by Mind Map: The latest generation of iphone

1. Features

1.1. Assistive Touch

1.2. Retina HD

1.3. One-handed operation interface

1.4. A8 system-on-chip

1.5. M8 motion co-processor

1.6. record slow-motion video

1.7. image stabilization

1.8. LTE wireless

1.9. Touch ID

2. Iphone 6+

2.1. features

3. The history of Iphone

3.1. iphone (1st generation)

3.2. iphone 3G

3.3. iphone 3GS

3.4. iphone 4/4S

3.5. iphone 5/5C/5S

3.6. iphone 6/6PLUS

4. Compare iPhone models

4.1. price

4.2. screen size

4.3. battery voulumn

4.4. cpu process

4.5. camera

5. iphone 6

6. Data anylasis