Although Etzioni describes these fast-food jobs as a time waster compared to studies, while that ...

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Although Etzioni describes these fast-food jobs as a time waster compared to studies, while that may be true, certain students are given the experience needed for life in a working environment. by Mind Map: Although Etzioni describes these fast-food jobs as a time waster compared to studies, while that may be true, certain students are given the experience needed for life in a working environment.

1. Students who can maintain both good grades in high school and a steady job are usually the students who can go far later in life.

1.1. Trains students in both a working environment and a college level of education

1.2. allows them to understand how stressful things could be for other students who can't do the same.

2. Building basic working skills

2.1. Allows the student to get an early head start among the other students who may go to college.

2.2. Builds up human capital in a different way

2.3. skills related to communications and many more.

3. Gives students an early sense of responsibility that will be needed in life.

3.1. will give them a better idea of what life will be like

3.2. Gives spending money so the student may feel like they can make their own choices.