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Reading by Mind Map: Reading

1. My mother read to me as an infant

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2. I struggled with reading so I would memorize whole sections and recite them back.

3. High school challenged me to read a chapter of a textbook for every class, and it made me not like reading.

4. "My Everest Challenge" was an autobiography that I read at age 14 that made me realize, I was more into nonfictional stories.

5. Current Events, Autobiographies, and based-on-true-stories, were the only things I liked to read after the age of 15.

6. I started to read chapter books at around age 8

6.1. At first I hated reading

6.2. The first book I read was Captain Underpants

6.3. Learned to read using Dr. Seuss

7. Moved up to "Goosebumps" a little later

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8. "The Outsiders" was the first book that I read in school that I was actually fond of.

9. In High School I would pick up the morning paper and read it in the morning before work or class.