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Brainstorming by Mind Map: Brainstorming

1. sports

1.1. baceball

1.1.1. i like these sport because it is cool for me.

1.2. rodeo

1.2.1. these sport is important for me cause these is a traditional sport in my country and i think is very cool.

2. music

2.1. gorgue santa cruz

2.1.1. i like the music of this guy because like the wey he sing and how he play his music.

2.2. noel torrez

2.2.1. these guy played his music with accordion i think he played pretty good music thats wy i like his music.

2.3. corridos

2.3.1. these kind of music thalk about true stories of some people from the past and places and these music its pretty cool for me.

3. Goals

3.1. go to college

3.1.1. i gant to go to college so i can have a better futurre.

3.2. have a career

3.2.1. i would like to have a career so i can have mi own job.

4. animals

4.1. horse

4.1.1. i like these animal censee i was a little kid because my dad like them to and he show me how to ride them when i was 6 year old and thats why horses are kind of important for me.

4.2. dog

4.2.1. i like these animal cause i think its cool and mi favorite dog its the pit bull.

4.3. bull

4.3.1. i think that bulls are real cool cause my old brother use to ride them and i always remember the first time he took to a rodeo so i could ride my first bull.