New Learning - Chapter 3

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New Learning - Chapter 3 by Mind Map: New Learning - Chapter 3

1. Fordism: The Modern Past

1.1. Mass Production

1.2. Strict hierarchy in management

1.3. Division of labor

1.4. Minimally skilled workforce

1.5. Cultural conformity required

2. Post-Fordism: More Recent Times

2.1. Application of Information

2.2. Teamwork required

2.3. Workers take on corporate culture

2.4. Multi-skilling

2.5. Authentic education

2.6. Differentiated markets

3. Productive Diversity: Towards New Learning

3.1. Values global diversity

3.2. Highly skilled workforce needed

3.3. Management through participation and collaboration

3.4. Values flexibility, innovation, creativity, and initiative

3.5. "Portfolio worker"

3.6. Knowledge Society

3.7. Mass customization for niche markets

4. Reflection: This week, I tried Mind Meister with a bit more purpose. Since the reading this week from NL broke the topic down into three neat (perhaps too neat) categories, I looked for a technological tool that was more graphically oriented. The software was very easy to use, and I could see students collaborating together with this in a very easy way. The software looks a little more up-to-date with emoticons and various color customization, which actually reinforces the reading's 'reading' of the cultural shift towards differentiated products and labor. Mass customization, which somehow has been equated with more freedom, is the new-ish norm for products, whatever they may be. Sharing this map was very easy.