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Me by Mind Map: Me

1. friends

1.1. most plus class kids

1.2. marching band kids

1.3. kids at church

2. worries/fears

2.1. centepedes

2.2. World War Three

2.3. ebola

2.4. disagreement/disappointment

3. memories

3.1. the first time i cut down a christmas tree

3.2. first day of middle school and only knowing Jill

3.3. church memories

3.4. making a castle out of snow

4. pet peeves

4.1. when Sticher calls reset and i just got out my dot

4.2. spoons or forks on teeth or metal

4.3. immaturity

5. identities

5.1. daughter

5.2. sister

5.3. cousin

5.4. niece

5.5. musician

5.6. student

5.7. friend

6. things i know about

6.1. music

6.2. christianity

6.3. soccer

6.4. marching band

7. family

7.1. mom

7.2. dad

7.3. sister

7.4. cousins

7.5. anuts

7.5.1. uncles

8. goals

8.1. college

8.2. good house

8.3. family

9. hobbies

9.1. music of all kinds

9.2. reading

9.3. participating in fandoms

9.4. cooking

10. beliefs

10.1. Christian

10.1.1. methodist

10.2. peace

10.2.1. love happiness

10.3. cooperation