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me by Mind Map: me

1. friends

1.1. Easton

1.2. Tuttle

1.3. Coal

1.4. Robbie

1.5. Jalen

1.6. Elias

2. hobbies

2.1. football

2.2. track

2.3. wrestling

3. family

3.1. mom

3.2. dad

3.3. Sierra

3.4. my grandma

4. specialties

4.1. quick

4.2. speak well in large groups

4.3. intelligent

4.4. athletic

5. things iknow

5.1. playing euphonium

5.2. foootball

5.3. basketball

5.4. track and field

5.5. pool

6. identities

6.1. brother

6.2. the son everybody wants

7. memories

7.1. i remember my weird dreams and idk why

8. Problems

8.1. losing track of things

8.2. not working like i should

8.3. focusing more on athletic than academic

9. freetime?

9.1. Coal

9.2. basketball

9.3. phone and music

9.4. football with friends

10. goals in life

10.1. lawyer

10.2. college

10.2.1. Notre Dame

10.2.2. Football

10.2.3. lawyer

10.3. make "good" money

10.4. be happy in life

11. fears

11.1. not being accepted

11.2. the dark

12. pet peeves

12.1. when things aren't even or don't feel even

12.2. when i explain the same thing over and over

12.3. when internet is slow

12.4. when i keep messing something up

13. tv shows

13.1. Tosh.0

13.2. impractical jokers

13.3. south park