Autonomous System

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Autonomous System by Mind Map: Autonomous System

1. Operator

1.1. Maintenance

1.2. Cleaning

1.3. Replacing Vehicles

1.4. Marketing

2. Business Model

2.1. Peer to peer sharing

2.2. One/Two way sharing

3. Vehicles

3.1. Off the shelf

3.2. Persuasive Electric Vehicles

3.3. Robotic Taxi

3.4. FedEx City

3.5. City Car 2.0

4. Infrastructure

4.1. Cahrging

4.2. Vehicle to Infrastructure

4.3. Vehicle to vehicle

4.4. Vehicle to grid

4.5. Vehicle to X

4.6. Docking

5. Autonomous Technology

5.1. Google Car

5.2. OEMs (Ford, Toyota, Nissan, GM, Mercedes, etc.)

5.3. 5D Robotics

6. Logistics

6.1. Backend Model (handles dispatching)

6.2. Routing trips

7. System Level Design

7.1. System Dynamics Model

7.2. Agent Based Model

7.3. Apps

7.4. Consumer Interface

7.5. Data Base

8. Policy

8.1. Implementation guidelines

8.2. Incentives (Public/Private)

8.3. Disincentives (Public/Private)

9. Insurance

9.1. Liability

9.2. Road Rules

9.3. Risk Assessment