7 aspects of Civilization

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7 aspects of Civilization by Mind Map: 7 aspects of Civilization

1. Zhou/Shang

1.1. Social Structure and Family Life

1.1.1. Sumerians The top included: priests, kings and their servants The ranking below included: large landowners and wealthy merchants Most people aren't somewhere were below the top two hierarchy spots. They included Artisian's farmers and laborers. At the bottom of the hierarchy were slaves that many had been captured in battle. Most women stayed at home looking after the children. Only a few upper-class women received education and became priestesses in the temples.

1.2. During the Western Zhou Dynasty people honored family relationships and stressed social status distinctions.

1.3. From a social point of view, the Zhou was quite similar to the Shang. The rulers were nobles who practiced ancestor worship.

1.4. Shang China was very agricultural and most people spend most of their days outside tending to crops

2. Arts and Education

2.1. Sumerians

2.1.1. Were the first to develop Writing- the writing was called cruneiform

2.1.2. Cuneiform on tablets with stylus'

2.1.3. Book keeping was done such as taxes and agricultural work

2.1.4. Were the first known to keep the dates, as early as 5000 B.C. to 300 B.C.

2.2. Zhou/Shang

2.2.1. Great advancements can also be seen in the written characters of Shang Dynasty which are considered the oldest Chinese written form for communication.

2.2.2. In the field of music, there was also great progress. The improvements in the bronze casting techniques allowed for delicate musical instruments to be made.

2.2.3. The improvements in the bronze casting techniques allowed for delicate musical instruments to be made.

2.2.4. Many Oracle Script pieces that have been found in the Yin Ruins offer us many important events happened during that period.

3. Government and Leaders

3.1. Sumerians

3.1.1. Preists were governor

3.1.2. Sumerian government was based on a monarchy. Sumerians believed their kings established rule through divine right.

3.1.3. The lugal, or king, of each city-state was responsible for constructing buildings and temples, maintaining the city borders and irrigation systems, and enforcing the laws. In case of war, he would lead the armies.

3.1.4. the king had power, he was not permitted to act with ultimate power, or as a dictator

3.1.5. Monarchy Shang Kings were surrounded by a court of wealthy Nobles who performed rituals to strengthen the kingdom and keep its security.

3.2. Zhou/Shang

3.2.1. Line of leaders from the same family called dynasties

3.2.2. Had large cities, and a well-organized government administration,

3.2.3. Chinese notion of the ruler as the "Son of Heaven" who rules with the Mandate of Heaven

3.2.4. A feudal government very similar to the European feudal government

4. Science and Technology

4.1. Sumerians

4.1.1. Invented the plow mad work easier and more eaily sustained

4.1.2. Invented the wheel

4.1.3. Used geometry to build irrigation systems

4.2. Zhou/Shang

4.2.1. The Oracle Scripts contain records about solar and lunar eclipses, stars and other celestial happenings.

4.2.2. The records clearly demonstrate great advancements in astronomy

4.2.3. During this time, the calendar system continued to advance and in the area of math, people performed elementary accounting distinctions between odd and even numbers appeared.

4.2.4. Effective Plow,Agricultural Calendar,Paper Writing, Excellent metal workers

5. Religion

5.1. Sumerians

5.1.1. Polytheism-

5.1.2. Gods controlled all natural forces

5.1.3. God protected each city-state

5.1.4. Worked hard to please the Gods

5.1.5. War Cheifs ruled as kings and formed dynasties

5.1.6. Recognized many of Gods

5.2. Zhou/Shang

5.2.1. Used sacrifices when burying their dead

5.2.2. Began to philosophize Confucianism and Daoism

5.2.3. A dynasty of Zhou emperors began ruling what had been Shang civilization: King Wu from 1045 to 1042 and his son, King Cheng to 1021

5.2.4. . They borrowed from Shang culture and claimed that all lands belonged to heaven, that they were the sons of heaven and therefore that all lands and all people were their subjects.

6. Economy and Trade

6.1. Sumerians

6.1.1. Lacked raw materials such as raw wood so they had to trade to get the supplies they lacked

6.1.2. They traded textiles for metal, timber and stone

6.1.3. Some people were large land owners, priest and higher level government and very wealthy but most were farmers, laborers, and artisans

6.1.4. Men were a political power and women cleaned and take care of children

6.2. Zhou/Shang

6.2.1. Shang rulers attached great importance to agriculture. Fishing began to grow as an industry as the people fished in the fresh waters.

6.2.2. The bronze wares in particular reached a high level of artistry that signified the Shang's advanced civilizationnasty.

6.2.3. With the grown of the agriculture and handicraft industries, the commodity exchange was promoted and the role of the commodity exchange dealer began to appear in the late Shang.

6.2.4. In the handicraft industry, the work was subtly allotted to many different workers and crafts were made in large quantities and varieties, showcasing the different techniques used during this time.

7. Geography and Agriculture

7.1. Sumerians

7.1.1. When the territory was irrigated the ground became very fertile and was good for growing a sustainable food supply.

7.1.2. Had lots of rivers and was very helpful for their farming

7.1.3. Had neighboring countries such now known Turkey The irrigation system is attested already in very ancient times, the earliest around 6000 BCE.

7.1.4. The irrigation system is attested already in very ancient times, the earliest around 6000 BCE.

7.2. Zhou/ Shang

7.2.1. The territory was known for its nutrient rich soil that was good for In the field of music, there was also great progress Yellow River

7.2.2. Had the Yellow River for both geography and agriculture bonuses

7.2.3. Farming, trading, iron and material