7 Aspects of a Civilization By: Nick Seguin and John Brunn

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7 Aspects of a Civilization By: Nick Seguin and John Brunn by Mind Map: 7 Aspects of a Civilization By: Nick Seguin and John Brunn

1. Social Structure and Family Life

1.1. Sumeria

1.1.1. Upper class contained nobles, priests, government officials and warriors

1.1.2. Slaves are the lowest class of citizen

1.1.3. People lived day to day lives where the men worked and the women raised children

1.1.4. The families consisted of a husband a wife and children, the men had teh power in the family

1.2. Shang/Zhoa

1.2.1. They had peasants nobles and then the emperor.

1.2.2. Confucius' transmitted teachings later that became a political system for a way to treat society

1.2.3. There were two classes the nobles and the peasants

1.2.4. The kings nobles were on the top of the social

2. Economy and Trade

2.1. Sumeria

2.1.1. Stonecutters, bricklayers,farmers and fishers

2.1.2. They traded with nearby cities.

2.1.3. They traded away crops that they grew for goods

2.1.4. Stamped clay coins were currency

2.2. Shang/Zhoa

2.2.1. Slaves performed work

2.2.2. main income was harvest of crops

2.2.3. silk later became main export

2.2.4. The artisans formed another group of the economic structure

3. Religion

3.1. Sumeria

3.1.1. Believed in elemental gods

3.1.2. Religious figures were well respected leadres

3.1.3. They made statues and shrines of well respected gods

3.1.4. They believed that earth was a flat disc surrounded by a hollow place

3.2. Shang/Zhoa

3.2.1. One god rules over the rest

3.2.2. Banned all sacrifices

3.2.3. The worship of ancestors was very important

3.2.4. Sacrifices to the gods and ancestors

4. Geography and Agriculture

4.1. Sumeria

4.1.1. They domesticated the shieep goat and exen

4.1.2. Land was full of rivers

4.1.3. Fertile land for farming

4.1.4. Main crops include barley, wheat, and onions

4.2. Shang/Zhoa

4.2.1. They invented irrigation.

4.2.2. They put their grain in a well to allow the king to control the farming.

4.2.3. They were surrounded by mountains so they couldn't be attacked

4.2.4. They lived next to the yellow river

5. Art and Education

5.1. Sumeria

5.1.1. They made stone statues and carvings

5.1.2. made busts of leaders

5.1.3. studied mathematics

5.1.4. The schooling was related to priesthood and the learning was done in churches

5.2. Shang/Zhou

5.2.1. They made Bronze statues

5.2.2. There were two classes in schools the upper and lower

5.2.3. They invented the piece mold casting

5.2.4. They used jade to make eccentric jewelry

6. Science and Technology

6.1. Sumeria

6.1.1. The Sumerians brewed beer, had boats, bags, quivers, and even canes

6.1.2. They had bricks that they built constructs out of

6.1.3. They have picks and chisels

6.1.4. They had bronze working skills and had Ziggurats

6.2. Shang/Zhoa

6.2.1. They made weapons and tools out of bronze

6.2.2. They learned the elements to mix like clay and water

6.2.3. They invented mass producing

6.2.4. weaved fabric to make clothing

7. Government and Leaders

7.1. Sumeria

7.1.1. The Sumerian priest-kings received advice from a General Assembly made up of free men

7.1.2. Well respected religous or warrior figures

7.1.3. King Gilgamesh was the most well known ruler

7.1.4. one of the most famous priest kings was Gilgamesh

7.2. Shang/Zhoa

7.2.1. Their leaders were smart and noble

7.2.2. The highest position in there government was a King or Emperor

7.2.3. They used heredity to choose leaders

7.2.4. The rulers worked to extend their territory