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CFA's by Mind Map: CFA's

1. Locating Books (Fiction)

1.1. Place shelf marker in the correct location for a given book.

1.2. Shelf-marker Scavenger Hunt: Have the books be from different genres and have kids choose which genre to pull or shelve.

1.2.1. Find and pull pre-selected books from shelf. Have shelf-markers to hold their place.

1.2.2. Find and pull pre-selected books from shelf. Have shelf-markers to hold their place.

1.2.3. Shelve books kindergarten has pulled from the shelves.

1.2.4. Shelve books kindergarten has pulled from the shelf.

1.2.5. Shelve books 5th grade has pulled from the shelves. Have them leave a shelf-marker to hold it's place.

1.2.6. Find books on a pre-selected list. Leave a shelf-marker in it's place to make shelving easier for 4th grade.

1.3. Book Shelver fiction game:

2. Using Online Search Form for Fiction

2.1. Destiny Search

2.1.1. Type a topic into Destiny

2.1.2. Find one fiction book on your topic.

2.1.3. Fill out a Destiny Search sheet for that book.

2.1.4. Include the following information Your name Book title Call number Mark where the book would be found.

2.2. Scavenger Hunt (Guided)

2.2.1. Demonstrate looking up a book on Destiny.

2.2.2. Students identify what books they like in the library, and with teacher help, go in groups to those areas of the library.

2.2.3. Students Look for "friends" in our library using Destiny.

2.2.4. Screencast Search for "dragons" narrowing search by genre.

2.2.5. Screencast search for "dragons" narrowing search by genre.

2.3. Anchor Chart of Nonfiction topics/Authors *Genre

2.3.1. x

2.3.2. x

2.3.3. x

2.3.4. x

2.3.5. x

2.3.6. x

3. Using Online Search Form for Nonfiction

3.1. Destiny Search

3.1.1. Find one fiction book on your topic.

3.1.2. Fill out a Destiny Search sheet for that book.

3.1.3. Include the following information Your name Book title Call number Mark where the book would be found.

3.2. Anchor Chart of Nonfiction Topics

3.3. Guided Scavenger Hunt

4. Locating Books (nonfiction)

4.1. Place shelf marker in the correct location for a given book.

4.2. Book Shelver nonfition game:

4.3. Shelf Marker Scavenger Hunt

4.3.1. x

4.3.2. x

4.3.3. x

4.3.4. x

4.3.5. x

4.3.6. x

5. Locating Books (fiction and nonfiction)

5.1. x

5.1.1. x

5.1.2. x

5.1.3. x

5.1.4. x

5.1.5. x

5.1.6. x