What You Would Normally Find In a Music Video

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What You Would Normally Find In a Music Video by Mind Map: What You Would Normally Find In a Music Video

1. 3- 4 minutes video length

1.1. It can't be too long or the audience will lose interest

2. Modern

2.1. Relates to the audience

2.1.1. Media Phones Social networks

2.2. Costumes

3. Editing

3.1. Experimental design techniques to make the video more unique

4. Video

4.1. Some kind of performance shown

4.1.1. Band playing guitar or singing into a mic

4.2. Narrative

4.2.1. Story being told Love story Most popular but only fits with certain genres Betrayal Sad Funny

5. In time

5.1. Music must flow and be in time with the lyrics and beat

5.1.1. Especially if the artist is mouthing the words

5.2. Jump Cuts

6. Different shots and angles

6.1. Two Shot

6.2. Close-ups

6.3. Establishing Shot

6.4. Master Shot

7. Genre

7.1. Alternative Rock

7.1.1. Best with a performance video than story but you can have a cross over of them both

7.2. Pop

7.3. R&B

7.4. Indie

7.5. Heavy Metal