Introduction of Apple iWatch

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Introduction of Apple iWatch by Mind Map: Introduction of Apple iWatch

1. Introduction

1.1. outline

1.2. objectives

1.3. Background

1.3.1. features

1.3.2. designs

1.3.3. functions Same function with the other apple's products Sport and health Apps Extra function with the other apple's products

2. Conclusion

2.1. Survey conclusion:Good or bad? useful or not?

3. Survey Analysis

3.1. Survey objective

3.1.1. Do people know about it?

3.1.2. How much people would like to pay for it?

3.2. Survey Questions

3.3. Survey result with comparison

3.3.1. Apple's competitors samsung watch Nike fuel band

4. Inforrmation search

4.1. Web

4.2. Library