Congo Republic Internal Conflict

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Congo Republic Internal Conflict by Mind Map: Congo Republic Internal Conflict

1. The Classical Period


1.1.1. Bantus established kingdoms ofKongo, Loango, and Teke


1.2.1. Social patterns stayed the same

2. The World Shrinks

2.1. The Bantus had first contact with the Portuguese in the late 15th century

2.1.1. Popular commodity was slaves taken from the hinterlands of Congo

2.1.2. Congo River Delta a hub of trade

2.2. Economy

3. The Industrial Period

3.1. Politics

3.1.1. Multiple European nations scrambled for the area, like Britain, Belgium, Portugal, and France France gained control over most territory in 1880.

3.2. Economy

3.2.1. After the Berlin Conference, nations wanted C.R. for cotton, palm oil, and rubber.

4. After WWI

4.1. Congo Republic gained independence in 1960 from France

4.1.1. The first regime, Massamba-Debat's, adopted "scientific socialism" as the constitutional idea. First regime was overthrown in 1968 President Ngouabi took power, proclaiming his country Africa's first peoples' republic.

4.1.2. Native Pygmies today are still viewed as beneath the Bantu descendents

4.2. Politics

5. The Post-Classical Period

5.1. Patterns continued much the same way

6. The Agricultural Period


6.1.1. Bantu tribes from the area that is now the D.R.C moved into Pygmy territory