What's special about social media?

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What's special about social media? by Mind Map: What's special about social media?

1. Personal - it's a human being

2. Trivial/mundane

3. Time-consuming

4. Addictive

5. Bite-sized chunks

6. Entertainment

7. Bonding

8. Communication

9. Global

10. Everyone has a voice - participatory

11. Transparency

12. Reinforce personal relationships

13. Offers value

14. Authenticity

15. Interacting with fans

16. Connecting offline

17. Efficient

18. Keep in touch collectively

19. Finding people who agree with you/validate you

20. Constant stimulation

21. Sharing experience and memories

22. Conversational

23. Remixing/mashup

24. Connections

25. Passion

26. Sharing information

27. Real-time