Service Learning Class at Intelli

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Service Learning Class at Intelli by Mind Map: Service Learning Class at Intelli

1. My Team

1.1. Danielle Saffer

1.1.1. Help with lesson plans

1.1.2. Help with assignments

1.1.3. Help with fundraising

1.2. Mick McElhinney

1.2.1. Help with fundraising

1.2.2. Help with volunteer place coordinators

1.3. Lisa

1.3.1. Getting credit permission

1.4. Intelli Students

1.4.1. Help with volunteering ideas

1.5. Eric and Terri

1.6. Cohort

1.7. Laura Tan

2. Possible Volunteering Opportunities

2.1. Matthew's Crossing

2.2. Without Walls Christian Center

3. Project Info

3.1. I will be creating a Service Learning Class for the students at Intelli Charter School in Chandler.

3.2. Students will be able to volunteer for a certain amount of hours each week and complete the assignments that correlate with their volunteering to earn class credit.

4. To Do List

4.1. Get approval for class credit

4.2. Create lesson plans and assignments

4.3. Find volunteering opportunities for students near Intelli so that they can walk/ride the bus.

4.4. Do a survey to students to see how interested they would be