Studying abroad

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Studying abroad by Mind Map: Studying abroad

1. Europe

1.1. Credit system

1.2. Schengen Visa

1.3. Finland

2. Exchange and double-degree programmes

2.1. Opportunities

2.2. Different universities

2.3. Great time

3. Distance

3.1. Flight tickets

3.2. Skype

3.3. Time difference

4. New experience

4.1. Meeting new people

4.2. Discovering another culture

4.3. Learning about local customs and traditions

5. International atmosphere

5.1. People from different countries

5.2. Communicating in English

5.3. Benefits for future career

6. Foreign languages

6.1. Developing language skills

6.2. Learning new languages

6.3. Teaching your own language

7. Different system of education

7.1. Projects

7.2. Working in groups of five or six

7.3. Fixed work hours

8. Culture shock

8.1. Missing home

8.2. Getting used to another culture

8.3. Integrating into a new society