Parts of Speech

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Parts of Speech by Mind Map: Parts of Speech

1. verbs-a word or phrases that expresses action or a state of being(connectied to the one below)

1.1. Action; Percelve with senses; Percelve with mind

1.2. Linking

1.3. Actve; Passive

2. Adverbsmodify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs

2.1. When; where; how; to what extent or degree

2.2. Infinitives

2.3. Including:(Interjections-strong emotion)

2.4. Including the lists below:

2.5. Prepositions-Location, duration or connection to an object(noun)

3. Nouns(connected to pronouns)Including people, places, things, or concepts

3.1. collective; singular; Plural. common; proper. concrete; abstract

3.2. Gerunds: Listed below

3.3. object of the preposition; subjects; predicate nominative; direct objects; appositive; indirect objects; object complement.


4. Pronouns

4.1. Personal; Reflexive

4.2. Possessive; Intensive

4.3. Relative; Indefinite

4.4. Demonstrative

5. Prepositions-Location, duration or connection to an object(noun)

6. Conjunctions-joins words, phrses, or clauses

6.1. Conjunction adverb

6.2. Correlative

6.3. Coordinating

6.4. Subordinating

7. Adjectives-describes a noun

7.1. participal and paticipal phrases

7.2. predicate adjectives

7.3. which one; what kind of; how much; how many

7.4. Infinitives

7.5. Including the one below: