Political Geography

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Political Geography by Mind Map: Political Geography

1. Field Note

1.1. Who was Kwame Nkrumah?

1.1.1. The first president of Ghana

2. How Is Space Politically Organized Into States and Nations?

2.1. What is a state?

2.1.1. A country

2.2. territory

2.2.1. area of land controlled by a nation

2.3. territoriality

2.3.1. the attempt by an individual or group to delimit and assert control over a geographic area

2.4. What is sovereignty?

2.4.1. having the last say over a territory, control

2.5. Explain mercantilism

2.5.1. a system based on gaining wealth through plunder, colonization and the protection of home industries and markets

2.6. Which historical event marks the beginning of the modern state system?

2.6.1. Peace of Westphalia

2.7. What is a nation?

2.7.1. culturally defined group of people with a shared past and common future who relate to a territory and have political goals

2.8. What is a nation-state?

2.8.1. politically organized area in which nation and state share the same space