Ethnobotany vs Western Medicine

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Ethnobotany vs Western Medicine by Mind Map: Ethnobotany vs Western Medicine

1. Sub-specialties

1.1. Cardiology, Pulmonology, GI, etc.

1.2. Shamans

1.2.1. Shamansbear, weather, astrologers, rattlesnake

1.3. Pipe doctors, sucking doctors, ant doctors, herb doctors

2. Procedures/Practices

2.1. Cupping

2.2. Blood letting

2.3. Herbal remedies still used by American Indians and "mountain medicine"

3. Psychoactive/Hallucinogenic Remedies

3.1. Psychoactive medications used in Western medicine under strict supervision of physician

3.2. Psychoactive herbs, roots, plants, used routinely in other cultures

3.3. Hallucinogenic and other agents generally illegal in Western areas, with exception of medicinal marijuana

4. Basis of Medicine

4.1. Spirituality prevalent in many cultures

4.2. Focus is on signs and symptoms of disease in Western cultures

5. Belief Systems

5.1. Strong spiritual beliefs

5.1.1. Work of shamans taken at face value

5.1.2. Belief that they can be healed despite concrete proof of a remedy's effectiveness

5.2. Western Medicine

5.2.1. Influence of internet websites

5.2.2. Patients more likely to question a treatment/medicine and its effectiveness