How To Name Compounds: What is the first element?

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How To Name Compounds: What is the first element? by Mind Map: How To Name Compounds:           What is the first element?

1. Hydrogen

1.1. Binary

1.1.1. "Hydro-" prefix

1.2. Oxyacid

1.2.1. "-ate" changes to "-ic" Add the word "acid" at the end

1.2.2. "-ite" changes to "-ous"

2. Metal

2.1. Keep the name of the first element

2.1.1. Add the suffix "-ide" to the name of the second element

3. Nonmetal

3.1. 1st Element

3.1.1. Use the correct prefix

3.2. 2nd Element

3.2.1. Use the correct prefix

3.2.2. Add the suffix "-ide"