Autism spectrum disorder

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Autism spectrum disorder by Mind Map: Autism spectrum disorder

1. How do they view the world?

1.1. "mass of people"

1.2. "places and events they struggle to make sense of"

1.3. "A place to that is easy to get lost"

1.4. "fun and colorful"

2. 3 main difficulities

2.1. communication

2.2. 2. social interaction

2.3. 3. Social imagination

3. Forms of Autism

3.1. Asperger syndrome

3.1.1. Still have difficulty learning but better with speech

3.1.2. either average or above average intelligence

4. Characteristics

4.1. love routines

4.2. special interest

4.3. learning disabilities

4.4. sensory sensitivity

5. What is it?

5.1. A developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life.

5.2. Defined by a certain set of behaviors

5.3. affects everyone differently

5.3.1. some have an increase sensitivity to tastes, smells, touch, lights or color.

6. Behaviors associated:

6.1. Delayed language

6.2. difficulty holding conversations/ performing regular social skills

6.3. motor skills are poor

6.4. affects how they relate to others