Water Map Assignment

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Water Map Assignment by Mind Map: Water Map Assignment

1. Condensation

1.1. Condensation is when a gas or vapor turns into a liquid it is another part of the water cycle.

2. Evaporation

2.1. Evaporation is a change between a liquid and gas evaporation only occurs on the surface of water. Evaporation is one part of the water cycle.

3. Precipitation

3.1. Precipitation is rain snow sleet and hail when the water evaporates it precipitates and falls down in the form of what season.

4. Fresh Water

4.1. 96%of the earths water is saline that leaves 4% is fresh water that we could use. we use ground water mostly we also use fresh water lakes and rivers.

5. Water cycle

5.1. The water cycle consists of evaporation condensation and precipitation.

6. What is water made of?

6.1. Water is made up of two elements hydrogen and oxygen

7. what are the states of water?

7.1. water can be a solid,liquid and a gas