7 aspects of civilization

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7 aspects of civilization by Mind Map: 7 aspects of civilization

1. government and leaders

1.1. zhou

1.1.1. worked toward centralization

1.1.2. king Wu

1.2. shang

1.2.1. Jie could not sustain the dynasty

1.2.2. last emperor, Zhou turned on his family and ministers overthrowing all of the shang dynasty

2. economy and trade

2.1. zhou

2.1.1. iron improved trade and invasion

2.1.2. they were abundant with silk

2.2. shang

2.2.1. fishing fresh water

2.2.2. pottery and handmade goods

3. geography and agriculture

3.1. zhou

3.1.1. iron tools improved crop surplus

3.1.2. there were more farmers and slaves than anyone else

3.1.3. there were more farmers and slaves than anyone else

3.2. shang

3.2.1. there were various plots along the countryside

3.2.2. all farm plots were owned by nobles

4. arts and education

4.1. zhou

4.1.1. centralized language nicknamed old chinese

4.1.2. bronze vases

4.2. shang

4.2.1. bronze casting

4.2.2. pottery wheel and glazed pots

5. social structure and family life

5.1. zhou

5.1.1. controlled by regional rulers

5.1.2. were most likely more farmers

5.2. shang

5.2.1. life gradually got worse as emperors failed to lead

5.2.2. your house would be wood or stone brick

6. religion

6.1. zhou

6.1.1. the king or leader was considered a god

6.1.2. ancestral worship

6.2. shang

6.2.1. animism

6.2.2. ancestral worship

7. science and technology

7.1. zhou

7.1.1. iron made their farming and war tools drastically stronger

7.1.2. they developed a calendar

7.2. shang

7.2.1. fishing tools

7.2.2. bronze to make tools and art