Criteria for evaluating web sites

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Criteria for evaluating web sites by Mind Map: Criteria for evaluating web sites

1. Findability

2. Information Architecture

3. Content

3.1. Simple

3.2. Unique/specific to the item

3.3. Speaking the users language

3.4. making content visual

3.4.1. info graphics/pictures

3.4.2. headings

3.4.3. bullet lists

3.4.4. chunks

4. Homepage

4.1. Short, on one screen (?)

4.2. Limited text

4.3. Be clearly organized

4.4. Needs to be easy to use

4.5. Be visually appealing

4.6. Clearly show how a site is organized (what can I do here)

4.7. Should be easy to navigate back to

4.8. Should quickly and clearly communicate the purpose

4.8.1. not with lots of words

4.9. Should be distinct from other pages on the site

4.10. Support users top tasks

5. Navigation

5.1. Supporting users ability tomove around the site

5.2. Consistency in design and choices (global)

5.3. Additional choices in local navigation depending on size

5.4. Provides clear choices that match user language

5.5. Provides sense of place/ You are here markers

6. Design & Layout

6.1. Visual or graphic design

6.2. Consistent look and feel:

6.2.1. Providing users with a sense of place

6.3. Contrasting and complimentary colors

6.3.1. Not too many

6.4. Minimalist design

6.4.1. Simple

6.4.2. Clean

6.4.3. Modern

6.4.4. White space/blank space

6.5. Visual hierarchy

6.5.1. Hierarchy of information

6.5.2. Flow

6.5.3. Guides the eye

6.5.4. Not everything is competing visually

6.6. Grid based

7. Performance

7.1. Loads quickly

8. Consistent experience across devices

8.1. Responsive

8.2. or ... appropriate for the device

9. Search

9.1. Having a simple visible search on every page

9.2. Also... having advanced options