Social Movements and Protests

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Social Movements and Protests by Mind Map: Social Movements and Protests

1. Civil Rights

1.1. "Sit In's"

1.2. Feb 1960, 4 kids go into a diner and sit at the "white counter". They were denied service and refused to leave. The boys were harassed until closing time and then repeating this again the next day

1.3. Letter From Birmingham Jail

1.4. May 1963, in Birmingham AL there were protests vs segregation policies. Police used hoses and physical violence. 3,000 were arrested including MLK. He wrote a 7000 word letter with his morals on segregation. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". MLK says legislation can't fix this problem, the American people have to. JFK then in 1963 gives power over state to feds.

1.5. James Meredith

1.6. James Meredith, a black male, enrolled at the University of MI. He goes to day 1 of class to find Governor Ross Barnet stopping him from entering the school. JFK then brings feds to assist him. Riots break out killing 2 and injuring 160 people. James goes on to graduate in 1963.

1.7. March On Washington

1.8. In 1963 250,000 people walk for jobs and freedom on the steps of the Lincoln memorial. This is where MLK would give his "I have a Dream" speech.

1.9. Civil Rights Bill

1.10. On July 2nd 1964 the civil rights bill passes 1 year after being proposed by JFK. This bill made it illegal to segregate publicly.

1.11. 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing

1.12. 5 White supremacists detonated a bomb at the 16th street baptist church killing 4 little girls ages 11 to 14; and injuring 20 other innocent people. This took place after the "Birmingham Jail letter". 4 of the bombers were to be convicted in 2002.

1.13. Freedom Rides

1.14. State Buses had to be desegregated versus interstate buses allowing segregation. In may of 1961 a group named CORE(Congress of Racial equality) didn't segregate their interstate bus. As a result, a group of racist hunted them down burning down the bus and beating the people on board.

2. Gay Rights

2.1. Homophobia

2.2. The word homophobia is the technical name for the fear of those who are different from you. This would cause people to make the term "In the closet"

2.2.1. New york City 1969 riots broke out over gay rights to later be named the"Stone wall riots" This lead to the Gay liberation front Gay Rights Movement This movement caused States to change their serial practice laws, many people to come "out of the closet" and some states allowing gay marriage.

2.2.2. San Fransico I don't know why I have this noted. Something probably happened here that I should know about but I didn't write anything down

2.3. 1992

2.4. in 1992 Bill Clinton ran for president. If elected he would be the first gay president. (lots of support from the gay community). Once elected, Clinton removes laws preventing gays from joining the military. This then lead to the, "Don't ask don't tell" sexuality rule in the military

2.5. Events Over Gay Rights

2.6. In Wyoming in 1988 a man was beat severely and left tied to a fence to die because of his sexuality

2.6.1. In Boston in 1944 the St. Patrick's Day parade was canceled because a gay Irish group wanted to march but weren't allowed because of sexuality. In Bolder Coloardo laws to protect gays were passed.

3. Women's Liberation

3.1. 1963 - Betty Friedan

3.2. Better Friedan in 1963 would created the book "Feminine Mystique" which is turn becomes the view for the Women's Liberation Movement"

3.3. N.O.W

3.4. This Book would be a big asset to the creation of the "National Organization of Women" in 1966. (N.O.W had a minor setback in 1969 due to not allowing lesbians to join the cause)

3.5. Equal Rights Amendment

3.6. This amendment touched on things such as job discrimination (equal pay for equal work), day care facilities during work hours, as well as greater job opportunities.

3.7. Miscellaneous Notes

3.8. In the late 70's to early 80's, 70% of Females worked outside of the house.

3.8.1. 75% of females over 18 were married, and 50% of those were traditional families in the 1950's. which in the last 60 years has gone down to 48% of females over 18 married and 25% of those being traditional.

4. Indian Movement

4.1. A.I.M

4.2. This American Indian movement closely followed the lead of the civil rights movement. it fought for Tribal lands and treaty rights

4.3. Casinos

4.4. The government allowed Indians to run privately owned casinos as a source of income due to treaty conflicts.

4.5. Wounded Knee

4.6. Indians took hostage 3 white man in order to get noticed by the American government.

4.7. Where?

4.8. Examples of this happening mainly take place in the Midwest, such as Gresham Wisconsin.

5. Abortion Rights

5.1. Pro-life

5.1.1. This is the belief that abortion is murder and shouldn't be allowed

5.2. People that believe in this want the supreme court to change their decision on allowing states to decide abortion.

5.3. Pro-choice

5.3.1. This is the believe that it is a women's decision to do what she wants with her own body.

5.4. In 1973 N.O.W had the court trial of "Roe vs. Wade

5.5. This trial fought to get women the Right to terminate an unwanted marriage. This would actually be the cause that splits up N.O.W

5.6. History since this case:

5.7. In 1988 president Bush passed a law saying you can't use medicare funds for abortion. in 1992 Bill Clinton used his executive order to reverse those restrictions. However in 2000 President Bush then used his executive order to re-ban the use of medicare on abortion.

6. Environment Movement

6.1. Rachel Carson

6.2. Wrote the book "Silent Spring" raising awareness of environmental issues.

6.3. Post WW2

6.4. The goals after WW2 were to maintain and restore the environment causing two groups to arise, The Seirra club, and the Green Peace.

6.5. 1970

6.6. A Man in Wisconsin by the name of Gaylord Nelson, the governor at the time, started the national day, Earth Day.

6.7. National Parks

6.8. National Parks were created in the early 1900's by Teddy Roosevelt

6.9. President Nixon

6.10. President Nixon during his presidency passes the "Clean water, clear air act".

6.11. Environmentalists Today

6.11.1. Kyoto Protocals

6.11.2. Reduction in Fossil Fuels

6.11.3. Johannesberg Summit

7. New Right Movement

7.1. Anti Era (In the 1960's)

7.2. This group of people were those who valued traditional values or fell under one of these categories. 1. Single issue voters 2. Multi-issue conservative groups 3. Coalitions 4 The media.

7.3. Founder Barry goldwater

7.4. Then passed ownership over to Jesse Helms who believed in homosexuality being evil, anti abortion, balanced budget amendment, anti-porn, and prayer in public schools to be practiced. This ownership would then be passed onto a women by the name of Phyllis Shafly