Risk Assesment

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Risk Assesment by Mind Map: Risk Assesment

1. Possibility of rain when filming outside

1.1. This can be minimised by checking the weather beforehand.

1.1.1. You can also use an umbrella to cover up the equipment.

2. Filming on a pavement inbetween two roads

2.1. Take extra care when recording in this location, making sure that you don't walk onto the road.

3. Getting the train to one of our locations

3.1. Get on the train at a time that it wouldn't be busy to avoid overcrowding.

3.2. Be very careful with the equipment and make sure you take care of it and keep it with you at all times.

4. Make sure that the trains are working

4.1. Because one of our locations is far and we have to get the train we have to make sure that the trains are working and there are no delays.

5. Using a flycam

5.1. Make sure that the camera is attached correctly to the flycam. Make sure its stabilised.