Contingency Planning: Arriving At My Educational Goal with Obstacles

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Contingency Planning: Arriving At My Educational Goal with Obstacles by Mind Map: Contingency Planning: Arriving At My Educational Goal with Obstacles

1. Obstacles For Year 1

1.1. Missing a Class

1.1.1. Find someone to trade numbers with

1.2. Getting To School

1.2.1. Ask for rides and get license

1.3. Keeping my Grades Up

1.3.1. Study and work hard

2. Year 1

2.1. Work

2.1.1. Save Money

2.2. First Year College

2.2.1. Do Homework

2.2.2. Study Be organized Take Notes

2.2.3. Pay Attention

2.3. Location

2.3.1. Three Rivers Community College

3. Year 3

3.1. Study

3.2. At UCONN Avery Point

3.3. Save Money

4. Obstacles For Year 3

4.1. Money

4.1.1. Save Save Save

4.2. Classes

4.2.1. Study Hard

5. Year 2

5.1. Transferring to UCONN Avery Point

5.2. Second Year College

5.2.1. Associates Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences

5.3. Obstacles

5.3.1. Money

5.3.2. Solution? Save Money

6. Year 4

6.1. Look For a Job In Career

6.1.1. Apply

6.1.2. Make Resume

6.2. Graduate with Bachelor's Degree

6.3. Save Money

6.3.1. TV commercials

7. Obstacles For Year 2

7.1. Money

7.1.1. Save money

7.1.2. Apply for grants and scholarships.

7.2. Transferring

7.2.1. Fill out paperwork right away. Don't stall. Keep grades up.

7.3. GPA

7.3.1. Keep grades up all year.

8. Obstacles for Year 4

8.1. Finding a Job

8.1.1. Apply and work hard to find one