Input and Output Devices

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Input and Output Devices by Mind Map: Input and Output Devices

1. Examples: Monitor, printer, and speakers

1.1. Monitor: Pro: helps the student visualize, you can see what you are working on. Con: They can break and need to be replaced which can become expensive, upkeep of monitors (daily cleanings) can be time consuming when there are 20 or 30 in a classroom.

1.2. Printer: Pro: Students can print out work they created, all computers can be linked up to one printer cutting down on cost as well as extra space being taken up. Con: Printers can jam easily, can become overloaded when too many students are printing at the same time, have extra costs, such as constant supply of paper and ink.

1.3. Speakers: Pro: Students can hear recordings or live presentations. Cons: Multiple students listening to things becomes very lousy very quickly and distracting from the learning process (earphones maybe?).

2. Any device that takes information from inside the computer and presents it out of the computer

3. Input Devices

4. Output Devices

5. Examples: Keyboard, mouse, and scanner

5.1. Keyboard: Pro: Makes it easer to enter in formation and great for typing in a search request into a search engine or database. Con: wired keyboards create more wires (tangles) and can come out of the plugin very easily. Wireless keyboards use a lot of battery power, which can become expensive to constantly replace, Wireless keyboards can be picked up and carried off to other location getting lost in the classroom for the next person who has to use it.

5.2. Mouse: Pro: Makes navigating a computer extremely easy. Con: Wired mouse creates extra wire (tangle). Wireless mouse can be carried off with the student and not be available for other students. Expensive to replace.

5.3. Scanner: Pro: Makes it easer to take paper documents and transfer onto a computer to be sent through e mail or added to a website ( posting daily assignments on class website) Cons: can break easily, short life, not always reliable,

6. external devices used to enter information into the computer