1. 5 ELA GLOs
1.1. 1.Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences 2.Comprehend and respond personally and critically 3.Manage ideas and information 4.Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication 5.Respect, support, and collaborate with others
2. Big Ideas Behind Daily 5 and CAFÉ
2.1. Comprehension
2.2. Accuracy
2.3. Fluency
2.4. Expand Vocabulary
2.5. The Daily 5 Tasks
2.5.1. 1. Read to self: books selected by students that they read to practice reading
2.5.2. 2. Work on writing Writing about topics the writer is interested in, for practice on writing
2.5.3. 3. Partner reading: reading with someone provides opportunities to practice strategies, fluency, understanding, hear one’s own voice
2.5.4. 4. Word work: expanding vocabulary, and increasing comprehension. Becoming more proficient at spelling, helps to become more fluent in writing
2.5.5. 5. Listen to reading: listening to expressive and fluent reading expands vocabulary
2.6. Teacher applications & details
2.6.1. NOTE. Please remember, that the initial materials in this section refer to teaching in a second language classroom. While much of the information applies to all classrooms, some points such as the examples of listening activities are much more applicable to second language than to general classrooms. Tips to help develop listening skills apply to all—they just might need a little tweaking pending grade levels and purposes. You are not expected to learn this information from the second language perspective—just the highlights about listening in general.
3. Listening
3.1. 1. receiving (hear)
3.2. 2. attending (pay attention)
3.3. 3. assigning meaning(understand (visualize), analyze, evaluate)
3.4. 4. reacting/responding
3.5. Good Listeners:
3.5.1. • prepare to listen (tune in)
3.5.2. • Search for meaning
3.5.3. • Constantly check for understanding (Make connections, Inference, Evaluate)
3.5.4. • Take meaningful notes
3.5.5. • Distinguish message from speaker
3.5.6. • Follow-up (review notes)
3.6. Listening Skills:
3.6.1. 1. Listening for the main idea: listen to identify the overall ideas
3.6.2. 2. Listening for details: listen for certain groups of words, phrases at sentence level
3.6.3. 3. Listening for specific information: listen for particular information at word level
3.6.4. 4. Predicting: try to guess the key information before listening
3.6.5. 5. Inferring meaning: listen to identify the difference between what the speaker says and actually means
3.6.6. 6. Identifying emotion: listen to identify to mood/ emotion of the speaker
3.6.7. 7. Listening for opinions: listen to identify the attitude of the speaker
3.6.8. 8. Inferring relationships: listen to identify who the people are in the recording and what the relationships between them are
3.6.9. 9. Recognizing context: listen to aural and contextual clues to identify where the conversation is taking place and who is speaking in the conversation
4. Reading (Oral )
4.1. Automaticity
4.1.1. ability to recognize and process printed words accurately, quickly and easily
4.2. Fluency:
4.2.1. The ability to read text with accuracy, expression, speed, and comprehension
4.3. comprehension:
4.3.1. The ability to understand, remember, and explain to others what you have read
4.4. decode:
4.4.1. using word identification strategies sounding out, translating printed words into sounds. words to sounds
4.5. encode:
4.5.1. constructing words from spoken sounds. sounds to words.
4.6. alphabetic principle
4.6.1. principle printed alphabet letters represent the sounds we make in spoken language (NOTE: This isn’t the case in the English language.)
4.7. Vocabulary
4.7.1. The ability to store information about meanings and pronunciations of words needed to understand content (listening, speaking, punctuation )
4.8. Grammar
4.8.1. How the language is structured
4.9. Phonological Awarness
4.9.1. Concept of spoken word
4.9.2. Phonemic awareness
4.10. Teacher applications
4.10.1. Essential Teacher Skill! Read-aloud! Prepare ! Plan where to stop and what to ask! Read fluently –you are a model! Remember, the most effective read-alouds are interactive! Take time to STOP and WONDER!
5. Reading
5.1. “Reading is a transitive process in which a reader negotiates meaning in order to comprehend or create an interpretation.”
5.2. 2 components of the reading process:
5.2.1. 1. comprehension: making sense of what is read
5.2.2. 2. word identification: recognizing or decoding printed words
5.3. Environmental print
5.3.1. Environmental Print is the print of everyday life: The symbols, signs, numbers, and colors
5.4. Concepts of print
5.4.1. Concepts about print include knowing where the front of a book is and where the back of a book is, knowing how a book opens, knowing right side up from upside down and the top of a page from the bottom.
5.5. Other word identification cues
5.5.1. pictures, syntax , context
5.6. Comprehension skills
5.7. Phonics
5.8. Sight Vocabulary
5.9. Alphabet
5.10. Teacher applications
5.10.1. Before Raise background knowledge Vocabulary Set purpose for reading During Predict, read, stop, retell After Summarize
6. Using Picture Books to Engage Middle School Students
6.1. Be prepared to defend why it is appropriate for teachers of all grades and many subjects to consider picturebooks and illustrated texts as credible resources in their teaching. Picture books can entertain, inform, and lead students to a better understanding of the world that they live in. These books teach about content, form, literature, language and how stories can be told. They have intriguing and pleasurable illustrations. Words are chosen carefully to create meaning. All picture books are reader friendly (especially to those students who do not like to read). Students can connect with picture books, because they can visually see the big picture of the story and connect it to their prior knowledge and experience. The use of literature to teach or reinforce parts of speech is more engaging for middle school students than textbooks.
7. “High 5” Strategies to Enhance Comprehension of Expository Text
7.1. 1. Activating background knowledge:
7.1.1. helps readers make connections between what they are reading and what they already know
7.2. 2. Questioning: 3 types
7.2.1. Right There: question about the text that is factual
7.2.2. Think and Search : ask what the writer wants me to figure out based on the facts presented?)
7.2.3. Beyond The Text : what is not being said and what do I need to research further
7.3. 3. Analyzing text structure:
7.3.1. Text structure reader looks for the text structure that is being used: keywords, headings and subheadings
7.3.2. Descriptive structures include: list, web,Matrix
7.3.3. Sequential structures include: string step by step description of events is given
7.3.4. cause -effect 2 events interact with one another. One is the cause and the other is the effect or result
7.3.5. problem - solution writer states or poses a question and then follows up with a solution or answer in the text
7.4. 4. Creating mental images:
7.4.1. visualize how the text is structured.
7.5. 5. Summarizing:
8. Reading -2. word identification: recognizing or decoding printed words
8.1. Alphabet knowledge:
8.1.1. recognizing letters and their sounds Alphabetic Principle: printed alphabet letters represent the sounds we make in spoken language (NOTE: This isn’t the case in the English language.)
8.2. Phonemic awareness:
8.2.1. the understanding that words are composed of individual sounds
8.3. Phonics:
8.3.1. blending letter sounds to identify words
8.3.2. Teaching applications Remember the purpose of phonics lessons is to be able to use the information to read and write! Letter identification, Sound association Reading, Writing
8.4. Syntax:
8.4.1. Using sentence structure to help identify words when reading
8.5. Structural analysis
8.5.1. blending and identifying parts of words to make up whole words (Such as “pre” or “ful”)
8.6. Sight vocab:
8.6.1. recognizing words instantly
8.7. Context:
8.7.1. Using the word’s meaning to help identify the word
9. Reading 1. comprehension: making sense of what is read
9.1. Good Readers:
9.1.1. 1. Predict
9.1.2. 2. Monitor and use fix-up strategies
9.1.3. 3. Visualize and represent
9.1.4. 4. Connect (Integrate and synthesize)
9.1.5. 5. Question and answer
9.1.6. 6. Summarize and retell
9.1.7. Teaching applications Consider the thinking strategies fostered in each teaching strategy: DRTA Popcorn Review Text Impressions
9.2. Levels of Comprehension
9.2.1. 1. Literal understanding the meaning of words on page. Understanding the basic facts as they are written
9.2.2. 2. Inferential- : “reading between the lines”, a layer of deeper understanding of a text. - Using background knowledge to help make inferences
9.2.3. 3. Critical Reading Evaluates quality and effectiveness of text; asks questions; a more comprehensive understanding of a text
10. Writing to learn” VS “Learning to write
10.1. Learning to write
10.1.1. Process based
10.2. Writing to Learn
10.2.1. writing to make meaning (recall, clarify, and organize what is known; sometimes seek out more!) • Writing to learn - engages students, extends thinking, deepens understanding, and energizes the meaning-making process.
10.2.2. “Writing to learn across curriculum” (in our course pack.) Quick Writes (exit slips): pre-reading strategy. Assesses prior knowledge, introduces the upcoming topic through teacher-led questions. Learning Log: pre-reading strategy. Give prompts to help students: make predictions, activate prior knowledge, and develop orientation to assignment. Good prompts will: give direction for knowledge acquisition, and set focus on upcoming content. Listen-stop-and-write: note-taking strategy. Lecture broken into 3min segments with 2min writing periods. Helps students focus listening and note-taking skills. Framed paragraphs: Reviewing/summarizing strategy. Skeletal paragraphs with strategically placed transition/cue words that signal students to think about and write a concept that students fill in after reading an assignment . Used to help students who have trouble writing summaries, or at the beginning of the year to guide students toward the process. Makes success attainable for all levels. Scaffolding. Important to know when to take the support away. Word Maps: critical and creative thinking strategy. Three main questions are explored: What is it? What is it like? What are some examples? Helps students link new concepts to prior knowledge. Good for groups and to be presented in chart form because it encourages deep discussion and visual enhances ownership of understanding. ABC list: critical and creative thinking strategy . Students create an alphabet list on a particular topic using significant words/phrases for each letter to summarize their reading. Strengthens their ability to find significant details. Gives students a sense of choice and control = motivating.
10.3. Teaching applications and important details
10.3.1. Be prepared to describe how teachers can incorporate writing to learn in instruction in such content areas as social studies, science, and health where content information is be learned. Be familiar with strategy names. (This is our textbook and our 50 strategies) Some of the strategies described here as pre-reading strategies can also be used (as you have in some activities) during reading. For example, note-taking can be employed to note learning while reading. Summarizing and creative strategies described here are sometimes named differently etc. Finally, NOTE, that we have already done a lot of work with particular strategies. The important thing is to have a few at your fingertips that have wide application —example : quickwrites, learning logs, listen-stop-and-write, Framed Paragraphs, word maps, ABC list etc. The other important thing is to know the purpose for each and to make a good match between the strategy used and the intended learning (and type of text also frequently influences choice of strategy).
11. 6 Traits: to look for in writing
11.1. 1. Ideas:
11.1.1. The writing is clear and focused. Creates images in the reader’s mind.
11.2. 2. Organization:
11.2.1. How information is put together and makes sense to who is reading it.
11.3. 3. Vioce
11.3.1. Author is able to connect to the reader
11.4. 4. Word Chioce
11.4.1. Words are chosen carefully, clarify meaning and sets the mood. The words also have a purpose and fit the audience the written piece is intended for.
11.5. 5. Sentence Fluency:
11.5.1. Sentences are complete, are effective, vary in structure and length
11.6. 6. Conventions:
11.6.1. Use Standard English mechanics (spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation)
11.7. Teacher Applications
11.7.1. • develop rubrics that focus on one or more traits that students can use to self-assess their own writing • differentiate the activities involved in each state to make a successful experience • shorten the writing process for younger students to just - prewriting, drafting, publishing, as students get older they add in revising and editing stages • Pair students that need scribes up with older students • encourage elaboration at all stages • create checklists for students to follow, as they write
12. 6 elements to the writing process.
12.1. 1. Prewriting (Gather Ideas):
12.1.1. Getting ready to write, students begin this stage by talking, reading, writing or discovering what they already know and then chose what direction they want to take in their writing Teaching Application Help students choose a topic through rehearsal activities, brainstorming or providing a topic.
12.2. 2. Drafting:
12.2.1. getting your ideas down on paper. Teaching Application Teach students to label their drafts as such and as students write drafts, the teacher must not emphasize grammatical errors
12.3. 3. Revising:
12.4. refining and clarifying your ideas within your writing
12.4.1. Teaching Application Students need instructions, demonstrations, reminders, and time to learn to conference well and writing support. In teacher conferencing, teachers listen to students talk about their writing process, guide students as they make revision plans, and offer feedback as it is useful. (Teacher Conferencing for the writer - bottom of Pg. 182 in coursepack)
12.5. 4. Editing:
12.5.1. getting the piece ready for publishing Teaching Application Help students understand editing and proofreaders marks (Figure 5-5 pg.184) and in the final editing teacher conference the teacher proofreads composition with the student and either they identify and make remaining corrections together or the teacher notes errors and student corrects independently
12.6. 5. Publishing (go public):
12.6.1. share your writing with the public, publishing them or share them orally. Teaching Applications Offering ways to share the students writing. (such as blogging)
12.7. 6. Reflect:
12.7.1. writer looks back at their work and considers strengths and goals Teaching Applications
13. 6 Language Arts : (the GLO’s (on the bookmark) will always branch off of these).
13.1. Veiwing
13.2. Representing
13.3. Writing
13.4. Reading
13.5. Speaking
13.6. Listening
14. Literacy
14.1. Literacy definition from Alberta Education
14.1.1. Literacy is lifelong, complex, and has personal, social, and economic benefits for everyone
14.2. Literacy definition from UNESCO
14.2.1. Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute, and use printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning to enable an individual to achieve his or her goals, to develop his or her knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in the wider society
14.3. Literacy continued
14.3.1. “Literacy is more than the ability to read and write. It involves the knowledge, skills and abilities - the competencies - that enable individuals to think critically, communicate effectively, deal with change and solve problems in a variety of contexts to achieve their personal goals, develop their knowledge and potential and participate fully in society”. - Government of Alberta